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The true potential of the electronic despatch advice

DESADV Studie - Integration des GS1 Transportetiketts mit der elektronischen Liefernachricht

Among many other advantages, the integration of the GS1 logistics label including the electronic despatch advice DESADV allows time savings, optimising the receipt of goods and also faster access to supply chain information – this has been confined by a current study carried out by GS1 Austria.

Explicit identification and traceability of logistics units along the entire supply chain – it is possible due to the GS1 logistics label. Combined with the electronic despatch advice DESADV, the flow of goods can optimally be linked to the flow of information. A DESADV study, recently carried out by GS1, has unveiled the requirements and benefit potentials in relation to Austrian retail, manufacturers and logistics providers. The study was conducted by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maria Madlberger, professor in the Department of Business and Management at Webster University, Vienna.

As far as trade is concerned, the benefits of a consistent information flow by using the DESADV and the GS1 logistics label are clearly present and involve impressive saving options. With regard to the receipt of goods, it is possible to save 30 minutes per palette. In addition, audit benefits as well, because complex manual operation processes are no longer required. The DESADV represents an important link between ordering and invoicing and thus, permits closed electronic information flow. It is less well known that the industry also benefits from the GS1 logistics label and the DESADV. An example in the study demonstrates that the DESADV in connection with the GS1 logistics label could revolutionise internal quality assurance.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maria Madlberger, professor in the Department of Business and Management at Webster University, Vienna

In this context, logistics providers, who already consider themselves as “data logistics experts”, also make a major contribution. With increasing frequency they represent the link, which manages the DESADV transfer from industry to trade and implements possible adaptations, if necessary. “The message to logistics companies reads as follows: the DESADV improves delivery quality which is of great benefit for both, trade and industry,” resumes Madlberger.

The potential of the joint use of the electronic despatch advice and the GS1 logistics label has once again been illustrated. It is our wish that it is a motivator for companies to take this next integration step.

Mag. Gregor Herzog, CEO of GS1 Austria

The study was presented on 22 September 2015 in the chemist’s wing of Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna.

Press Release

The press release The true potential of the electronic despatch advice is also available as a download.

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