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Technical solution for Pragoimex’s electronic invoicing

Tram in the snowy landscape - Technical solution for Pragoimex's electronic invoicing

eXite and PEPPOL: connecting the world

Thanks to a collaboration with industry experts, Pragoimex can ensure repairs and after-warranty service for tramcars and deliver spare and assembly parts for urban mass transportation vehicles, not only throughout the Czech Republic but also abroad. One of Pragoimex’s major international business partners is another transport company with operations in Croatia.

Electronic invoicing for Pragoimex

This has brought about a need for electronic cross-border invoicing based on eProcurement technical specifications by the international PEPPOL network. Thanks to the excellent collaboration with its Polish sister company, EDITEL Polska S.A., EDITEL can now implement all necessary technical standards, particularly the required version of the UBL data structure, as well as access to the PEPPOL network.

The PEPPOL network is currently used by institutions and companies in more than 30 countries in Europe and around the world, e.g., in the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore. It is mainly PEPPOL that enables communication with authorities and institutions such as public contracting authorities, governmental entities (including those that coordinate transport infrastructure), suppliers and other end-users of services relying on PEPPOL standards.

The project included a comprehensive technical solution for Pragoimex’s electronic invoicing to the Croatian transport company with connection to the PEPPOL network.

In brief

EDITEL provided the following technical components:

  • Customer registration in the PEPPOL network and verification of the target partner’s accessibility
  • Creation of a specific Web EDI service e-form
  • Customized data conversion from an imported ISDOC to UBL 3.0
  • Controlled connection by a secure communication protocol between eXite and PEPPOL

Thanks to this project, Pragoimex is now ready to communicate with all its business partners that require communication via PEPPOL. And EDITEL is ready to provide services to any company whose business activities require a connection to PEPPOL.



PRAGOIMEX, a joint stock company founded in 1991, is a business-engineering enterprise that does business within the Aliance TW Team. The company supplies new tramcars for urban mass transportation, repairs, reconstructs, and modernizes tramcars together with its contractual partners – Krnovské opravny a strojírny s.r.o. and VKV Praha s.r.o. PRAGOIMEX also delivers spare parts and traction motors for rail vehicles and trolley-buses, provides complex servicing for tramcars, including design work for traffic engineering.

copyright Pragoimex

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