+ 43/1/505 86 02 -0

EDI services for businesses of any size and in any industry

All the benefits of customized EDI processes, ranging from swift connection of retailers such as Billa, SPAR, Metro and Lidl to EDI invoice archiving and new partner onboarding.


EDI Communication

EDI Communication

A single connection for all partners: EDI communication with our EDI service eXite makes it happen! It’s one of the largest EDI networks with international reach.


EDI Integration


EDI Integration is all about fully automated B2B integradion. Whether you opt for a managed EDI service or an inhouse solution: you will be processing everything from orders (ORDERS) to invoices (INVOIC) along your supply chain.

EDITEL’s archiving solution is available for audit-proof archiving of your EDI invoices and other documents. It’s safe, documents are easy to retrieve and an automated interface to EDI communication with eXite is available upon request.

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