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Electronic exchange of business documents at Žabka Slovakia

At a supermarket: New Žabka grocery store to start business in Slovakia and to concurrently launch EDI

New Žabka grocery store to start business in Slovakia and to concurrently launch EDI

Žabka is a grocery retail chain which is part of Tesco Group in Slovakia. It entered our market this year by opening its first store in Bratislava and benefiting from its extensive previous experience in the Czech Republic. Žabka has successfully been doing business in our neighbouring country for a long time and opened dozens of new stores this year alone.

Just like in the Czech Republic, Žabka is a franchise concept in Slovakia, which means that the experienced Žabka team is always ready to help its franchise partners and support them in any way. Žabka offers a convenient and extensive shopping experience for everyone – by carrying the widest possible range of products in all categories. Fresh pastries and tasty coffee to go are always part of the concept. And what’s more, the biggest benefit is that Žabka serves its customers until late in the evening: the Bratislava store is open daily from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and offers more than two thousand fresh and non-perishable food items as well as other products.

In order for Žabka to establish the most efficient exchange of business documents with its suppliers and logistics partners, it decided to collaborate with EDITEL. For the electronic exchange of business documents (EDI), Žabka uses the services of EDITEL SK, in the form of an outsourced, fully automated submIT solution. EDI communication with several suppliers was already launched and will be expanded gradually. Documents exchanged mainly include ORDERS (orders), DESADV (delivery notes), and INVOIC (invoices).

“The reasons that lead us to use EDI are obvious. On the one hand, EDI is based on a proven and well-functioning concept, which our parent company Tesco has been building and using for several years, and at the same time we realize that EDI facilitates and speeds up the exchange of standard documents with suppliers,” explained Katarína Ožvoldíková, IT Support Manager at Žabka (Tfs).

In brief

  • Concurrently with the opening of the first store on the Slovak market, Žabka also launches EDI communication
  • Outsourced, fully automated submIT solution
  • Exchange of the following EDI messages: ORDERS (orders), DESADV (delivery notes) and INVOIC (invoices)

About Žabka

The Žabka grocery retail chain is a company that is part of Tesco group. It operates successfully in the Czech Republic, where it has 119 stores. In the autumn of 2020, the company also expanded to Slovakia. All shops in the Žabka network are franchises, which means they are operated by independent entrepreneurs who benefit from the background information and expertise provided by Žabka. Žabka plans to open additional stores in Slovakia.

iStockphoto copyright AJ_Watt

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