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Exciting EDI-Projects in our new EDITEL Journal

EDITEL Journal Abbildung des Magazins

In our last issue, we had once again shown that EDI processes significantly benefit companies in a variety of sectors and industries. Specifically, we addressed e-business solutions for legal matters. I am pleased to go even further and present yet another diverse set of companies and projects that benefit from our work.

This issue will feature articles about the implementation of requirements based on the Austrian Energy Efficiency Act with the help of EDI at the SPAR Österreich chain of grocery stores, solutions for the catering business Sodexo (page 2), and the digital archive of the Slovak confectionary manufacturer IDC (page 3). In addition, there’s information about the EDI integration at the Czech subsidiary of Panasonic Automotive Industrial Systems (page 3), an article about reporting services at the insurance company Uniqa, which has a strong presence throughout Europe (page 3), and pharmaceutical giant Herba Chemosan’s pilot projects in Austria. One thing remains true across all countries, sectors, industries and company sizes; and it is what propels all these exciting projects: the drive to innovate, optimize and to run a future-proof business. Those are the pillars that make it possible for companies to transform the marketplace and to offer their services in an increasingly customer-friendly way. We are putting a new spin on a classic saying: if there’s potential, there’s a way.

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