You would like to learn more about our EDI Projects?
EDITEL offers a comprehensive service portfolio and sees itself as a full-service provider with EDI solutions for every need. The experience of more than 40 years guarantees the successful implementation of even extensive EDI projects.
Find here a selection of our Best Practices. For any further information or a first consultation please contact us by phone +43/1/505 86 02 or e-mail!
In addition to development and machinery, MOTOR JIKOV Group a.s. also invests in the development of IT technologies, including EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). For its implementation the company chose an experienced specialist, EDITEL.
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The creation of a state-of-the-art web EDI portal with a very attractive design in line with the requirements of TMMCZ was one of the challenges EDITEL tackled during its collaboration with TMMCZ. The same was true for the implementation of certain gradual improvements.
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Kotányi started preparing the ground for going international early on, which involved highly complex supply chains. Today, the company creates approximately 3,000 to 5,000 orders every day that need to be filled within 24 hours. At Kotányi, a key success factor is the swift and smooth exchange of business data.
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The collaboration between REWE International AG and the eXite® Business Integration Network by EDITEL is a flagship project for the optimization potential inherent to EDI. As REWE International AG expanded its business, eXite® was refined on an ongoing basis.
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PDF invoice documents are sent via eXite®, the EDI platform by EDITEL. This process involves no additional work for clients and/or invoice recipients. For PepsiCo, this solution translates into considerable savings in terms of work, time and money. Additional paper invoices become obsolete and mistakes are kept to a minimum.
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