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EDI References

You would like to learn more about our EDI Projects?

EDITEL offers a comprehensive service portfolio and sees itself as a full-service provider with EDI solutions for every need. The experience of more than 40 years guarantees the successful implementation of even extensive EDI projects.

Find here a selection of our Best Practices. For any further information or a first consultation please contact us by phone +43/1/505 86 02 or e-mail info@editel.at!

EDI as a high-performance engine for Alpine Electronics

Bottlenecks in the supply chain, the shift towards e-mobility and geopolitical factors have had a major impact on the automotive industry. Challenging times like these require automated, streamlined and efficient processes in the supply chain. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) proved to be a high performance driver for Alpine Electronics Manufacturing of Europe Ltd. | read more Icon: arrow-right


Extending EDI in the pharmaceutical sector

Nowadays, information technology is constantly evolving and is an integral part of the pharmaceutical field as well. EDI systems are becoming a key tool for efficient communication and transaction processing. EDITEL, a leader in EDI service provision, plays a vital role in digitizing and automating processes, bringing significant improvements to the entire pharmaceutical chain. | read more Icon: arrow-right

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