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category: News

EDI Nelson

Based in Székesfehérvár, the leading car rental company Nelson ltd. offers long-term car rental services. Around 90% of the company’s clients are SMEs. Given this background, the introduction of PDF invoices was an obvious choice, as it would simplify the invoicing process and save time and resources. | read more Icon: arrow-right

Czech/Slovak Duo

On 1 September 2019, Štefan Sádovský, the current CEO of EDITEL SK, also became CEO of EDITEL CZ. Viktor Petráš assumed the position of Sales and Marketing Director at EDITEL CZ and SK on 1 October 2019. Together, Štefan and Viktor are a great new Czech/Slovak duo that manages both companies | read more Icon: arrow-right

Stores with a pleasant and family-friendly ambience

As part of this hybrid concept, it strives to maintain high quality, use a minimum of storage space and also, as one of the few companies on the Slovak market, to deliver food directly to customers via an online portal. This special situation prompted DELIA to look for a strategic partner for swift, efficient and reliable data exchange with its suppliers. | read more Icon: arrow-right


Coop Jednota EDI

EDITEL has been a supplier of EDI solutions for the entire COOP Jednota Group for ten years. EDI solutions provided by EDITEL ensure the transmission and processing of ten types of different EDI messages, such as orders, despatch advices, receiving advices, returns, invoices and invoice processing notifications. | read more Icon: arrow-right



SPaP a.s., with its sophisticated technological equipment, high-quality services and professional staff, has an attractive geographic and logistics position for all things transshipment and transport of goods. The automotive industry is a highly developed and strong sector of the Slovak economy. | read more Icon: arrow-right



This year, 550 billion invoices are expected to be printed around the world. According to the “2019 Billentis Study,” roughly 90 percent of these invoices are still paper invoices. Gerd Marlovits, the CEO of EDITEL Austria, calculates that a full transition to EDI could save at least 495 billion sheets of paper for invoices alone. | read more Icon: arrow-right


Slovnaft to capitalize on the benefits of EDI

Slovnaft experienced the use of these EDI modules as very beneficial, and in cooperation with experts at EDITEL, was looking for ways to streamline its processes even further. Slovnaft identified significant potential, especially regarding delivery notes for goods (the so-called dispatch advices). | read more Icon: arrow-right

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