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category: Case studies


EDI for Kröswang via eXite®

Kröswang relies on it to electronically handle numerous business documents (orders, despatch advices, orders) both with restaurant clients and preliminary suppliers. The company plans to add information relevant for the EU food information regulation, such as allergens and nutritional value, in the near future. | read more Icon: arrow-right


EDI Services for IGEFA

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) did the trick: IGEFA can now exchange article master data by accessing the electronic price catalogue (PRICAT). This makes article maintenance obsolete because PRICAT is automatically updated thanks to EDI. Any changes to the product, e.g. prices or possible discontinued products, are reflected in real time. | read more Icon: arrow-right


EDI for Henkel CEE

With only one connection to the eXite® Business Integration Network Henkel reaches all business partners in the CEE region and is easily able to connect also further partners to the network. Without additional local IT-infrastructures compliance with all regional requirements is thus secured. | read more Icon: arrow-right

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