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B2B process integration at banks

The 11th IIR KURS banking conference attracted 200 participants from the Austrian banking industry. The conference took place on 6 and 7 April in Vienna and opened with a plenary session attended by high-profile guests, followed by four well-established trade conferences dedicated to payment transactions, IT at banks, compliance and anti-money laundering measures as well as transaction management and back office.

The “IT at banks“ conference revolved around digitalization between tradition and modern times, in view of the fact that in the era of interconnectivity between humans, machines and service, banks have to do more than ever to find their place in the digital ecosystem. Digitalization opens up many opportunities for banks, but also forces the industry as a whole to undergo a digital transformation process. “The data collected by banks has immense value,“ said Thomas F. Dapp of Deutsche Bank Research, who believes that every bank’s biggest asset are product innovations and data.

Participants enjoyed insightful presentations about the Austrian IT Security Act, cloud computing and the EU basic regulation about data protection. Also, Tibor Šata, director of international operations at EDITEL Group, in cooperation with IBM, spoke about the opportunities associated with B2B process integration at bank, in his presentation called “The more responsive bank – The challenge of information flow across b2b relations.” Based on the user case of the Czech National Bank (CNB), Mr. Šata explained the benefits and advantages of automated processes at banks. Estimated annual savings at CNB are roughly EUR 25,000 now that 30 percent of all received invoices are processed automatically.

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